Best Baby Skincare Routine – The Comprehensive Guide

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Listen….. Your cute little bunny needs some skincare routine too. Of course they’ve got skin too, and due to their skin degree of sensitivity, it needs cautious approach of what should be applied on it. And of course that’s what this content is all about. So if you’ve been searching for the best baby skincare routine for your little angel, then read this content carefully from start to finish.


Babies skin are sensitive and delicate, therefore needs no harsh chemicals or ingredients. You wouldn’t want to see your baby’s skin looking all irritated and red, gush!!, That’s a nightmare for a mother to behold.

Your baby’s skin is naturally soft and tender and likewise should you use strictly mild skincare products on it to keep it optimally hydrated and protected, therefore keeping your baby’s skin in great shape and also to avert some skin issues associated with babies. And to ensure this, you need to create the best baby skincare routine for your little one.

Baby Skincare Routine – Morning. 

Step 1: Cleanse.

Using a mild baby soap, ensure to give your baby a refreshing bath, to wash off dirt and sweat and to keep your baby’s skin all clean which will leave your baby feeling relaxed and refreshed.

For the sake of your baby’s delicate skin, don’t use harsh or exfoliating soaps on his or her skin, this could strip-off his or her moisture-barrier which could potentially lead to dry skin, irritation and discomfort.

Products To Try:

How To Cleanse.

Moist your baby’s skin with water. Apply some baby body wash on your baby’s sponge, then gentle sponge your baby’s skin using a soft baby’s bathing sponge.

Endeavor to gently sponge all skin area for a clean bath. Never use a harsh sponge on your baby, remember his or her skin is tender, you wouldn’t want to irritate it. You can shop for babies sponge.

Step 2: Apply A Moisturizer.

When implementing the best baby skincare routine for your cute-bunny, moisturization is a must.

Your baby’s skin needs to be moisturized to keep it soft, hydrated and protected from environmental aggressors. A good moisturizer also helps avert dry skin, soothe eczema and baby rash which are notoriously associated with babies at tender age.

While choosing a baby cream for your little one, go for moisturizers without;

  • Synthetic fragrances.
  • Artificial colorings.
  • Parabens.
  • Phthalates.

Products To Try.

How To Apply.

After giving your baby a refreshed bath, gently pat dry his or her skin with a clean towel. Be mindful not to rub the towel over the skin as you’re more likely to irritate it. Then massage your baby lotion over slightly damp skin to help lock in the moisture. Ensure no spot is left out. Massage gently till fully absorbed.

Step 3: Apply Sunscreen On Your Baby.

When it comes to skincare, the sun is the devil, and therefore needs to be avoided and to ensure this, you need to implement sunscreen application on your baby to prevent the sun from hitting the skin. Overexposure to UV rays of the sun tans the skin because sunlight causes the skin to produce more melanin and darken. You wouldn’t want your baby’s skin to look darker right? So do the needful.

Aside from protecting your baby’s skin with sunscreen, also endeavor to wear protective clothing on your baby, this will further help shield the skin from UV exposure.

Products To Try. 

How To Apply.

Ensure to apply a generous amount of sunscreen on your baby’s face. While applying the sunscreen on your baby, extend the same kind gesture to the tips and back of your baby’s ears, exposed scalp, back of the neck, around the eyes, and the tops of his or her hands and feet. You can read how to apply sunscreen correctly.

Baby Skincare Routine – Night-Time. 

Step 1: Cleanse.

Give your baby a refreshing bath time, to keep the skin clean and refreshed. During the day your baby must have been exposed to external environmental aggressors which needs to be washed off to keep the skin in good shape. Never deny your baby his or her refreshing bath at night.

How To Cleanse.

Moisten your baby’s skin with water, pour some baby body wash on your baby’s sponge, then begin to give your baby that refreshing bath that he or she deserves. Be gentle while sponging his or her skin, babies skin are delicate and should be treated as such.

Step 2: Apply A Moisturizer.

Generously apply moisturizer on your baby’s skin to keep his or her skin optimally moisturized, supple and soft. You wouldn’t want your cute bunny’s skin looking all dry and flaky right? Then feed his or her skin with moisture.

How To Apply. 

Massage your baby lotion over slightly damp skin to help lock in the moisture. Ensure no spot is left out. Massage gently till fully absorbed.

Step 3: Apply Powder.

Does babies really need baby powder? The short answer remains Yes, your little buddy definitely needs some powder. Traditionally baby powder is used on babies to prevent pesky rash.

Baby powder contains natural absorbent ingredient such as corn starch, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) etc to absorb moisture and reduces skin-on-skin friction, and help prevent pesky rashes, including diaper rash.

Baby powder keeps your baby’s skin fresh, gives your baby a refreshed and relaxing feeling. Therefore when building a skincare routine for your baby, I think a baby powder deserves a spot.

Although pediatricians are concerned about babies inhaling the powder, which might affect a child’s lungs. Therefore when shopping for baby powder, it’s highly recommended you avoid talcum-based powders as it has been linked to cause complications to baby’s health.

Pediatricians have warned against using talcum-based powders on your baby’s skin because if inhaled it can cause numerous health risk. According to Joel Kahan, M.D., director of pediatrics at Syosset Hospital in New York. “People who are using these large amounts of baby powder, particularly around the baby’s face, run the risk of the child inhaling this very fine particulate matter into the lungs, If there’s a big enough load, it can really be very harmful to the child.”

Studies have shown, talcum-based baby powders can cause severe lung damage, breathing problems, choking and even death in babies.

Also In 1981, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a report about the potential hazards of talcum powder aspiration. The report called these incidences “grossly underestimated” and tied them to a 20 percent mortality rate.

These research studies should convince you to stay clear off talcum-based powders and embrace talcum-free baby powders for the sake of your baby’s health.

Products To Try.

How To Apply.

Pour a generous amount of baby powder on your baby’s skin, while you gently (using the palm of your hand) spread the powder across your baby’s skin. Lay more concentration on your baby’s back, buttocks and thighs area.

In Conclusion. 

Your baby’s skin needs all the pampering it can get to continue to keep it in good shape, healthy and hydrated. Endeavor not to expose baby’s skin to harsh skincare products as this can cause havoc on baby’s tender skin.

Possible Questions And Answers.

Q: How do I treat my baby’s rash?

A: Pesky baby rash can keep the baby discomforted or uncomfortable. There are many types of baby rash, but the most common types are body rash, drool rash and diaper rash.

The first approach to prevent your baby from sustaining rash is to ensure to change your baby’s clothing frequently, also endeavor your baby’s clothing isn’t too tight-fitted as this can make them sweat profusely which can instigate prickly rash or cause friction between the cloth and skin which can trigger rash too as a result of irritation, and most importantly keep your baby out of wet or soiled diapers.

Diaper rash happens when: 

  • You leave a wet or dirty diaper on too long.
  • Your baby’s skin rubs or chafes against the diaper itself.
  • Your baby gets a yeast infection.
  • Your baby gets a bacterial infection.
  • Your baby has an allergic reaction to their diaper.
  • Babies tends get diaper rash more often when they:
  • Get older — especially between 9 and 12 months old.
  • Sleep in poopy diapers.
  • Have diarrhea.
  • Start eating solid foods.
  • Are taking antibiotics, or if you take antibiotics and are nursing.

In other words, if your baby has already sustained rashes, do any of the following below to soothe and treat the rash.

  • Apply cream or ointment with zinc oxide or petrolatum (petroleum jelly). Smooth it onto your baby’s clean, dry bottom before putting on a clean diaper.
  • Apply an antifungal cream, if your baby has a fungal infection.
  • Apply a topical or oral antibiotics, if your baby has a bacterial infection.
  • Avoid using steroidal creams (hydrocortisone) on your baby, except your doctor recommends you to do so. As steroidal cream can irritate your baby’s skin even more if you don’t use it the right way.

If your baby’s rash is caused by drooling, then it’s a different thing entirely.

Drooling can be a common side effect of teething, but many babies drool even when they aren’t getting new teeth. The constant presence of saliva on your baby’s chin, neck, and even chest can turn into a red irritation known as a drool rash.

To soothe and treat drooling rash, apply a thin coat of a healing ointment like Aquaphor or petroleum jelly, which will act as a barrier between your baby’s skin and the drool. These ointments can be soothing to your baby’s irritated skin.

If your baby’s rash is caused by excessive sweating as a result of heat, then below is what you should do.

Heat rash, usually found in areas covered by clothes, such as armpits, neck, chest, arms, torso, and legs and is caused by overheating.

  • Ensure your baby’s clothing aren’t tight-fitted as this can make them sweat profusely which can instigate prickly rash or cause friction between the cloth and skin which can trigger rash too as a result of irritation.
  • Apply talcum-free baby powder on affected area, keep off powder from baby’s face to avoid inhaling powder particles. Talcum-free baby powder helps soothe and treat prickly heat.

Other Measures To Curtail Diaper Rash.

  • Change the type of diaper for another brand. Try a different brand of disposable diaper. If you use cloth, try disposables.

Q: How do I treat baby acne?

A: Baby acne is also known as neonatal acne. According to a research study, it occurs in about 20 percent of newborns.

Although some baby acne goes on its own without treatment, but some linger for a longer time. You’ll have to consult your baby’s pediatrician, who may prescribe a medicated cream or ointment that helps clear up the acne.

Don’t use over-the-counter acne treatments, face washes, or lotions on your baby. Your baby’s skin is very sensitive at this tender age. You might worsen the acne or cause additional skin irritation by using something that’s too strong. Don’t scrub or squeeze acne affected area, this can aggravate existing issues.

To aide treat your baby’s acne endeavor to wash your baby’s face daily with warm water. Infact, at this time, cleansing your baby’s face is important, using a mild soap or soap-free cleanser. Don’t hesitate to ask the pediatrician for recommendations.

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