Best Argan Oils To Hydrate And Nourish Skin, Hair & Nails

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Questing for the best argan oils on the market? We’ve got you covered. Argan oil isn’t just an oil, it’s a “liquid gold” that benefits not only the skin, but hair and nails in inclusive. An oil extracted from argan kernels, rich in essential fatty acids and nutrients enough to keep skin, hairnails and cuticles optimally moisturized and healthy.


What Is Argan?

Argan oil is extracted from the kernels that grow on the argan trees native to Morocco. It can be directly applied topically on the skin (directly on the skin) or ingested in order to provide several health benefits — all thanks to its medicinal benefits. 

Traditionally argan oil is sold as pure oil, but can also be found in numerous over-the-counter products, such as blends-of-oil-formulas (facial oils), serums, moisturizers and hair creams. 

To enjoy the full benefits of argan oil, ensure to opt for a 100% pure cold-pressed formula as the nutrients and vitamins will be preserved during extraction process, so as to be delivered to the skin. 

You can also mix few drops with your moisturizer prior to application. 

Having said that, below are the best argan oils on the market.  

1. PURA D’OR Organic Moroccan Cold Pressed Argan Oil

Argan Oil For Skin and Hair

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A pure argan oil in a bottle, extracted from the finest of argan nuts and you know what? It’s utterly cold-pressed, to ensure all properties are preserved to deliver its hydrating, nutritional and antioxidant benefits to the skin, hair, nails and cuticles. 


  • Cold-pressed.
  • Pocket-friendly. 
  • USDA certified. 
  • Contains no preservatives. 
  • Stored in a UV-protective packaging.
  • Contains no skin-irritants.


  • None. 

2. The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Moroccan Argan Oil.

Argan Oil For Skin and Hair

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The Ordinary brand needs no introduction in skincare world. Just as their products are exceptional, their argan oil isn’t an exception. 100% cold-pressed and organic to nourish skin, hair, nails and cuticles.


  • Cold-pressed.
  • Wallet-friendly. 
  • No added preservatives. 
  • Stored in a UV-protective packaging.
  • Cruelty-free & vegan.
  • Contains no nasties. 


  • None. 

3. Kate Blanc Cold-Pressed Argan Oil. 

Argan Oil For Skin and Hair

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I believe your skin, hair, nails and cuticles will enjoy the most benefit from this brand as it maintains argan oil’s purity, nutritional and antioxidant properties due to its cold-pressed extraction process and oh, it comes in a bigger container size enough to sustain you for three (3) months (when economically used). 


  • Cold-pressed.
  • Pocket-friendly (for the size). 
  • Contains no added preservatives. 
  • Stored in a UV-protective packaging.
  • Cruelty-free & vegan.
  • Contains no nasties. 
  • Comes in a bigger container size (120ml). 


  • None. 

4. Cliganic Organic 100% Cold-Pressed Argan Oil.

Argan Oil For Skin and Hair

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One of the finest cold-pressed argan oil on the market, from a reputable brand. Not to mention it’s USDA organically approved and free from preservatives and other skin irritants. Keep that skin, hair, nails and cuticles optimally moisturized, supple and nourished with this 100% cold-pressed argan oil formula. 


  • Cold-pressed.
  • Pocket-friendly.
  • USDA organically certified.
  • Contains no added preservatives. 
  • Stored in a UV-protective packaging.
  • Cruelty-free & vegan.
  • Contains no nasty ingredients. 


  • None. 

Best Products With Argan Oil. 

These are our best selection of skincare products that contains argan oil. 

5. Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil Body Butter.

Argan oil for skin and hair

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How do you mind getting something for your body?  – yea, your body shouldn’t be excluded.  Here’s a whipped body butter, enriched with argan oil and other essential fatty acids (including squalane) and antioxidants to help smoothen skin texture, restores softness for a firmer-looking skin. 


  • Organic and natural.
  • Creamy lightweight formula.
  • Contains no skin irritant. 
  • Contains no synthetic fragrance or preservatives. 


  • Slightly expensive (but worths your money).
  • Comes in a jar container, which can encourage depositing dirt upon scooping for application. (Ensure to always wash your hands before scooping, or better still, instead of scooping with your finger, get a skincare applicator or a spatula for scooping — to minimize depositing dirt into the product). 

6. PIETRO SIMONE Bio Prestige Act: Bio-Recovery.

Argan Oil for skin and hair

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A luxury bio-recovery cream, enriched with not only argan oil, but with other bio-engineered vitamins (vitamins A, C and E) in a lightweight formula to deliver deep hydration and nourishment to the skin.  


  • Contains no nasties.
  • Lightweight texture.
  • Infused with vitamins A, C and E.
  • Contains no synthetic fragrance or preservatives.


  • Price may not be suitable for everyone’s pocket.
  • Comes in a jar, which can increase dirt deposition, ensure to wash your hands or use a skincare applicator or a spatula for scooping. 

Possible Questions & Answers.

Q: How should I apply argan oil?

A: Simply apply 2-3 drops of argan oil on a well cleansed skin, massage till fully absorbed. You can as well apply few drops directly to a cleansed hair, or make a mix of few drops of argan oil and your hair cream in the palm of your hands, gently massage the mixture into your hair scalp. You can also apply few drops on your nails and cuticles to keep them moisturized and healthy. 

Q: Is argan oil safe to use during pregnancy?

A: Applying 100% pure cold-pressed argan oil onto the skin during pregnancy is entirely safe. For centuries, Moroccan women have consumed and applied argan oil during their pregnancies. Pregnant women are welcome to massage the oil on the affected skin several times a day. 

As aforementioned, argan oil has more fatty acids and Vitamin E than any other oil and when used on expanding skin, it can moisturize the skin completely and prevent the occurrence of stretch marks. The amino acids and antioxidants in argan oil will keep your skin healthy and supple, which makes it very useful for pregnant women who are seeking to curtail stretch marks and keep their skin optimally moisturized during pregnancy. 

UP NEXT: Best Rosehip Oils To Hydrate, Plump & Glow Your Skin.


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