Best Essential Oils For Hair Growth: Stimulate Hair Growth With These Oils.

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Seeking for the best essential oils for hair growth and thickness? then you’re definitely on the right page.


Essential oils are extracted from plants through steam distillation method. Essential oils has been used for centuries for their numerous benefits to mankind thanks to their richness in essential vitamins and medicinal properties. Ranging from brightening the skin, getting rid of acne, calming inflammatory, bacterial, fungal, depressant, septic, and microbial conditions, reducing the appearance of stretch marks, wrinkles, fine lines, and used for aromatherapy.

The benefits of essential oils to mankind are limitless, as days comes and goes new discoveries are made for their potentials towards improving health and overall well-being.

Essential oils also extends their potentials to hair-health, as they contain vitamins and essential minerals which are responsible for healthy hair growth. Therefore, regular application of these essential oils into your scalp will not only stimulate hair growth but also improves hair texture and protect it from further damages.

We’ve taken the privilege to list out 9 best essential oils for hair growth. These essential oils have proven to improve hair growth, thickness and also protects the scalp from infections because of their antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

1. Lavender Essential Oil.

Lavender essential oil contains properties that can stimulate hair growth, generate hair cells and Improve blood circulation.
A 2016 research study reported that lavender oil applied to mice made them grow more hair. Their hair also grew thicker and faster than normal.

When messaged into the scalp, it gently penetrates into the skin to deliver its potential properties. Lavender oil is blessed with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-depressant, anti-septic, and anti-microbial properties which kills and prevents scalp infections such as dandruff, lice infestation, ringworm etc. It also promotes relaxation and improves sleep when inhaled through aromatherapy using diffusers.

How to apply: You can dilute lavender essential oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil. You should mix several drops of essential into any carrier oil of your choice Example: Mix 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of any carrier oil of your choice, then massage into your scalp. You can as well add some drops of Lavender oil into your hair conditioner or shampoo.

Handcraft Blends Lavender Essential Oil.

Best Essential oils for hair growth.

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A 100% Pure, Premium therapeutic lavender essential oil grade with premium glass dropper. Pure, natural & FDA approved.


  • Cruelty-Free
  • 100% Pure & Premium. Therapeutic Grade.
  • FDA approved.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • None.


Unrefined pure Lavender essential oil.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil.

Peppermint essential oil has the ability to increase blood circulation when massage into the scalp, thanks to its richness in mentol which has shown to increase blood flow to the area where it is applied, due to its cool sensational effect on the skin.

A study in Microvascular Research found that a 4 percent menthol solution caused blood vessels to widen, which increases blood flow. According to experts, healthy blood circulation promotes more hair growth in the affected area.

Another research study published in Toxicological Research reports that peppermint oil solution promotes hair growth. The peppermint oil used performed better than minoxidil, which is a hair growth product approved by United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How to apply: Mix several drops of peppermint essential oil with any carrier oil of your choice, then massage into your hair scalp. You can as well add some drops into your hair conditioner or shampoo.

Handcraft Peppermint Essential Oil – 100% Pure.

Best essential oils for hair growth

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A pemium therapeutic peppermint essential oil grade with premium glass dropper. Pure, natural & FDA approved.


  • Cruelty-Free.
  • High Potency.
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • FDA approved.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • None.


Unrefined, pure Peppermint essential oil.

3. Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Tea tree essential oil is known for its medicinal potentials, as it contains cleansing, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties When applied topically, it can help unplug hair follicles and increase hair growth. it can also treat minor cuts, scrapes, and burns, as well as gently sooth and cleanse skin.

According to a 2013 research study, a mixture containing tea tree oil and minoxidil was more effective than just the minoxidil alone in improving hair growth, though more studies are needed on using tea tree oil only.

Tea tree oil has been found to get rid of dandruff and other scalp infections because of its medicinal properties. A review in 2015 found tea tree oil is commonly used in anti-dandruff treatment products.

How to apply: You can mix several drops (about 10 drops) of tea tree essential oil into your shampoo or conditioner and use it daily. Or, you can mix 5 drops with 2 tablespoons of any carrier oil.

Handcraft Blends Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Best Essential Oils For hair growth

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Handcraft has wide range of quality essential oils, which their tea tree essential oil is one of them. Contains no fillers, additives, undiluted & FDA approved.


  • Cruelty-Free
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • FDA approved.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • None.


Unrefined pure tea tree essential oil.

4. Rosemary Essential Oil.

Rosemary essential oil not only boosts hair growth but also improves hair thickness thanks to its ability to improve cellular generation.

According to one study, rosemary oil performed as well as 2% minoxidil, a common hair growth treatment, but with less scalp itching as a side effect.

Rosemary essential oil also contains anti-inflammatory anti-microbial anti-septic properties which wards off scalp infections.

How to apply: Mix several drops into shampoo or conditioner. You can as well mix 5 drops with any carrier oil of your choice, then massage into your hair scalp.

Maple Holistics 100% Pure Rosemary Essential Oil.

Best essential oils for hair growth

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A premium high quality Therapeutic
grade 100% pure undiluted rosemary essential oil.


  • Cruelty-Free
  • High potency.
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • None.


Unrefined pure Rosemary essential oil.

5. Lemongrass Essential Oil.

A healthy scalp contributes to healthy hair. Flakes and itchy scalp are the main symptoms of dandruff which eventually triggers hair loss. And you know what? Lemongrass essential oil has proven to give dandruff a chase of their lives thanks to its richness in anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties including vitamins like vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate and vitamin C.

A 2015 research study reports that lemongrass significantly reduced dandruff after one week.

Since dandruff contributes to hair loss, using lemongrass as your daily hair tonic will not only ward off scalp infections but also protects it from further damages which contributes to healthy hair growth.

How to apply: Mix 5 drops of lemongrass essential with any carrier oil of your choice, massage into your hair scalp. You can as well add several drops into your shampoo or conditioner.

Handcraft Blends Lemongrass Essential Oil.

Best Essential Oils For hair growth

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Another handcraft blends brand. A premium therapeutic lemongrass essential oil grade with premium glass dropper. Pure, natural & FDA approved.


  • Cruelty-Free
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • FDA approved.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • None.


Unrefined pure lemongrass essential oil.

6. Cedarwood Essential Oil.

According to experts cedarwood essential oil boosts hair growth and reduces hair loss by balancing the oil-producing glands in the scalp. Cedarwood essential oil is known to cleanse the scalp, removing excess oil, dirt, and dandruff. It enhances circulation to the scalp and tightens the follicles, which helps stimulate healthy growth and thereby helps reduce thinning by slowing hair loss. Its richness in anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties helps treat different conditions that may contribute to dandruff or hair loss.

In a mixture with lavender and rosemary essential oil cedarwood essential oil proved to treat hair loss in those with alopecia areata.

How to apply: You can dilute few drops of cedarwood essential oil into your shampoo or conditioner, Or mix 5 drops with any carrier oil of your choice. Then massage into your hair.

Gya Labs Cedarwood Essential Oil

Best essential oils for hair growth

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A 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Cedarwood Essential Oil to boost hair growth and thickness and fight scalp infections.


  • Cruelty-Free.
  • High Potency.
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • Comes in small size


Unrefined, pure Cedarwood Essential Oil.

7. Clary Sage Essential Oil.

Just like lavender oil, clary sage essential oil also contains the same linalyl acetate that makes lavender oil effective towards boosting hair growth. Clary sage essential oil promotes hair growth and stimulates the scalp. It also thickens the hair, increase hair streght and create stronger locks. It also prevents hair breakage and dandruff.

How to apply: Dilute some few drops with any carrier oil of your choice, or add some drops into your shampoo or conditioner.

Gya Labs Clary Sage Essential Oil.

Best essential oils for hair growth

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An undiluted 100% pure Therapeutic Grade Clary Sage Essential oil for healthier scalp and healthier hair growth.


  • Cruelty-Free.
  • High Potency.
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • Comes in small size


Unrefined, pure Clary Sage Essential Oil.

8. Thyme Essential Oil.

Just like tea tree oil, thyme essential oil contains powerful anti-bacterial and anti-microbial which helps eliminate the bacterial build-up on the scalp that clogs hair follicles.

A research study found that thyme essential oil was helpful in treating alopecia areata.

How to apply: Thyme essential oil is strong and highly concentrated, mix just 2 drops with 2 tablespoons of your favourite carrier oil. Then massage thoroughly into your scalp. You can as well add 3 drops into your shampoo or conditioner.

Gya Labs Thyme Essential Oil.

Best essential oils for hair growth

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Gya Labs is one of the best essential oil brand you can trust. They produce undiluted pure essential oils which their thyme essential oil isn’t an exception.


  • Cruelty-Free.
  • High Potency.
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • Comes in small size


Unrefined, pure Thyme Essential Oil.

9. Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil.

Ylang-Ylang essential oil is highly recommended for individuals with dry and itchy scalp as it stimulates sebum production which moisturizes the hair. People with oily hair should skip this one.

According to experts lack of enough oil and sebum causes hair to become dry and brittle, which makes ylang-ylang essential oil very recommendable as it can improve hair texture and reduce hair breakage.

How to apply: Mix 4 to 5 drops of essential ylang-ylang oil with 2 tablespoons of any carrier oil. Massage it into your scalp. Ylang-ylang essential oil can also be added into your favourite shampoo or conditioner.

Gya Labs Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil.

Best essential oils for hair growth

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Supply your hair with optimum nourishment with undiluted 100% pure Therapeutic Grade Gya Labs Ylang-Ylang Essential oil.


  • Cruelty-Free.
  • High Potency.
  • 100% Pure & Premium Therapeutic Grade.
  • Does not contain parabens, hexanes, additives, preservatives.


  • Comes in small size


Unrefined, pure Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

Fun Fact: Do you know you can actually mix 2 to 3 hair boosting essential oils together for even more optimum result?
All you need to do is mix 2 to 3 of any of the essential oils listed above with any carrier oil of your choice, then massage into your scalp.
Example: Mix
5 drops tea tree essential oil.
5 drops cedarwood essential oil.
5 drops lavender essential oil
With 3-4 tablespoons of any carrier oil of your choice (Jojoba oil, argan oil, olive oil). Then apply.

Possible Questions & Answers.

Q: Must i dilute my essential oils with a carrier oil before application?.

A: Caution: All essential oils must be diluted with carrier oil before application, this is because essential oils are highly potent and concentrated which can cause irritations when applied undiluted on the skin.

Q: Does diluting essential oils with carrier oils reduce their potency?.

A: No. Diluting essential oils with carrier oils doesn’t reduce their potentials, however the reason for the dilution is to reduce the high concentration of the essence oil, to avoid the occurrence of irritations such as burns, bruises and redness.

Q: Can i massage essential into my kids hair?.

A: According to experts only older teenagers and adults should use essential oils topically for hair health. If in any case you think essential oils could benefit your child, ask their pediatrician first to make sure it’s safe.

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